Converting the blog post
articles into PDF format has many advantages. The most important reason why
people opt for this conversion is to get an increase in their traffic and get
better reach for their blog posts via search engine optimization of PDF files.
In this way, a blogger
can make the most out of their article as Google indexes PDF files separately.
This is also one of the best and easiest techniques for targeting a wider
audience as there is no need to recreate the blog content as they can convert
the already existing blogs into PDF leading to a significant increase in their website’s
Converting the blog post to PDF:
The two easy methods for
converting the blog post into PDF format file are listed below:
1) By using Web2PDF: is an
online web service that can be used to convert a blog post into PDF. The method
of conversion is very simple, open the website and add the URL of the blog post
in the given space and click on PDF to DOC button.
After the file is converted, the user has to choose one of the two options.
Either download the PDF on the computer or open the file in Google Docs. From
here, the user can simply download the file on the computer. By using the free
version of the Web2PDF, issues can arise as it takes a snapshot of the web page
so the header, footer, and sidebar of the blog post will also appear. These
problems can be resolved by using the paid version as it has better formatting
options available.
There are also some other
online programs that can convert the blog posts to PDF such as print friendly
and online-convert etc.
2) By using Classic PDF Editor:
Classic PDF Editor is an all-in-one desktop application that
can also be used for creating, editing and converting your blog post into PDF
format. But it is not web based which means that the user must download it
first. This software is free in trial version for 3 days. After installing the
program, you can convert your blog post in two ways.
- Open a blank document in Classic PDF Editor and in the browser open the blog post that requires a PDF version. Select and copy the content and images of the blog article and paste them in the blank document. Pictures copied in the blank document can take up to few seconds to get displayed. The editing can be done as needed.
- If the blog post is already available in Word document form the go on the convert tab in Classic PDF Editor. Locate the file that needs conversion from Doc to PDF and save it with the name of your choice once conversion has been completed.
Once the blog post has been converted into PDF format, you
can upload it to different document sharing websites such as Slideshare,
Docstoc, Scribd etc.
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